What is Strip Poker? It’s Not Just for Women

If you’re wondering what is strip poker, you’re not alone. Strip poker is becoming a popular past time for people across the United States and around the world. With its increasing popularity, there is also an increasing demand for knowledgeable guides to teach people how to play this version of poker. So, what are strip poker and what do these guides really offer? Let’s take a look. 

First of all, let’s define what strip poker is: A version of the standard poker where all the players receive a single card from the deck (with the exception of the dealer). Players are then required to pass around a card and mark it off with their finger before being able to bet or fold. Any other part of the deck that hasn’t been dealt is laid out similar to the five-card draw. Any type of poker can be applied to a strip poker format; but it’s most commonly played with the simple five-card draw, with little variety of betting rounds. 

So, what is this variant of poker exactly? Well, a lot of variations of poker have been adapted by casinos in recent years, but none has really taken off as big as strip games have. One reason for this is because of how easy they are to learn. In many casinos, playing strip joker is one of the first games you’ll learn, which means you can immediately get a feel for how the hands are dealt out and how much room each player has to work with. Since the joker is a widely-used variant, the chances of you “seeing” your opponent’s cards before they see yours are very slim. 

Another aspect that makes strip games: so appealing is the clothing that most players are required to wear. It’s not uncommon for players to dress up in full uniform – complete with top and bottom pieces, of course. Some may even choose to don a white or red “stripe shirt”, which helps add to the fun (and sometimes spicy) atmosphere. Another choice for clothing would be to wear “neoprene” or “spandex” leg-warmers, which help keep you from getting too hot in the middle of the flop. 

Now, let’s talk about the mechanics of playing strip poker: Basically, all you need to do is get five cards and then use them to try to create the best hand possible. Once you have five cards, you can either call (make an investment) or fold, depending on the situation. Once you have three cards (either for the “burn” hand or the “flush” hand), you can either stay in and play another round of craps, or pass the time playing standard hands. If you pass, you’ll be penalized with a point. Each time you reach a minimum of five points, you can switch gears and try a new round of craps with your new five-card hand. 

As you can see, playing strip poker can be a lot of fun: especially when you’re dressed to the nines! However, it’s important to keep your clothes clean at all times. If you show up to play strip poker in some sexy, revealing clothes, not only will you likely get tossed out of the game, but you also might end up sore and embarrassed. Therefore, you should keep your clothes clean at all times, even if you only show up to play strip poker.

And hey, by wearing the right clothes, you’ll also make it a lot easier to get the women!