What is Strip Poker?

What is strip poker? Strip poker is an updated version of the classic indoor poker game, where players discard clothes while they lose a round. Any other form of offline poker can easily be adapted for a strip poker version; but it’s often played with very simple, stripped down versions with few or no betting rounds. Some people think that the name strip poker is based on how strip clubs are usually set up – all the women are naked except for their underwear. However this is not true; in fact this version of poker was originally created as an online game by a guy called James Schmitz. 

So what is strip poker about anyway? Essentially the main attractions of playing strip poker are the stripping for points and the potential for getting completely naked. The object of the game is for the player to get as many chips into the pot as possible without getting naked (this is known as “stripping”), and then removing all clothes from the body as quickly as possible before the next person takes an action. Removing clothes is often seen as a deterrent to getting too far ahead in the game – but sometimes this is actually beneficial as it allows the player to try out different styles of playing. 

There are two main methods of playing strip challing: and both are used equally. The first method, which is more common, involves playing in groups of two or more players. In this group all players, with their clothes on, play against each other in a heated poker game. The object of the game is for the player with the least amount of clothes to get to the end of the line first. The last person in the group, who has had all their clothes removed, is the winner. Often this results in friendly banter and some friendly touching – but it’s not common for players to actually strip and make a challenge of each other. 

The second method is using a single hand of cards: with the option of using a five-card draw or no draw hands. This is the more popular version of what is strip poker rules. As with the game in groups, the goal is for the last player, with all their clothes removed, to reach the end of the line first. When playing in singles, the last player is also usually required to remove every piece of clothing they have, including ones that are “in the drawer”. Some opponents will also require you to remove your shirt and sometimes ask for donations from players, though this is very rarely necessary. 

While it is true that the game is mainly for men: women can also play strip betting, and it can be quite fun. For example, one variation requires players to remove a minimum of two pieces of clothing (the minimum varies by game), so women can bet in dresses, skirts and various other garments. Another variation includes betting rounds where players can only remove one piece of clothing at a time, while others may be allowed to remove more clothing as long as they have those same amounts of clothes on. 

Some games include a strip challenge: or a “stripper contest” for prize money. It’s not clear if there is any prize money or judging involved, but the winner is awarded either a specific amount of chips or a set amount of money based on how many clothes the player has removed. Sometimes the game is called a “panties game” because players may bet or fold with their underwear on.

The best way to determine what is strip poker is to simply play it and decide for yourself! It’s certainly not as exciting as betting on other types of craps, but it’s fun to try.