How a Poker Face Really Feels

Every poker player has their own strategy of how to bluff, but learning how to bluff with a girl is something else entirely. In fact, learning how to bluff with a poker face may be the most important aspect of winning at poker. You see, winning at poker is all about reading the other players and determining if they are telling the truth or not. Knowing how a poker face really feels is a lot more important than knowing how to bluff a hundred hands overnight. 

When you look desperate: nervous or angry, you make all sorts of errors. Bluffing doesn’t help your game at all, it makes you look like an imbecile. So how does a girl to deal with these kinds of bluffs? It’s time that you found out. Most women fear the confrontation of poker, and they are perfectly correct to do so. There is nothing more frightening than being in an unknown environment where there are many men staring back at you. They can also be very unpleasant to talk to, and this is why some of them decide to just keep their poker faces. That is a big mistake. Here are some tricks of the trade of how to bluff with a girl. 

Watch her eyes: Women are very visual, and when they make eye contact with you, it tells you that they are interested in you. Of course, they are not bluffing! When you make eye contact with them, they can tell that you are interested in them. This will help you when it comes to bluffs. 

Observe her body language: If you notice that she is tensed up or lacking confidence when she is around men, then she probably knows that you could be a challenge. This can be your opportunity to take advantage of that fear, and when you do this, you can use how a poker face really works to your advantage. 

Observe her reactions: Most guys do not notice when women are faking because they are not watching them. However, if you watch her eyes, mouth, and hands while you are talking to her, then you can pick up on the changes in her facial expressions as she responds to what you are saying. Notice how she laughs or smiles when she thinks you are being funny, and vice versa. Her body language will tell you whether or not she is getting it, but you will not always be able to read her reactions.

If you want to know how a poker face really feels, then just do as the said above, and pay attention to how she reacts to you.